The heavy rains over the past several days have led to flooding in many areas of the country.
The St. John River in New Brunswick rose above its banks in many areas where it’s prone to do that. Roads were closed and people hunkered down or were busy putting sandbags around their homes to keep the water out.
It was a miserable weekend for people in Quebec where 1,900 homes were flooded in 130 municipalities right from the Gaspe to the Ontario boundary. Prime Minister Trudeau, visiting one flooded area west of Montreal, said it was inspiring to see neighbours helping neighbours, civilians and solders comining together to help those affected.
Parts of B-C also saw flooding with heavy rainfall adding to the snow melt. Two men were reported missing in the interior. A fire chief in Cache Creek is presumed dead after being swept away by the fast moving waters. Another elderly man is also reported buried under a mudslide.