St. Patrick’s Day Drinking a Factor in Three Moncton Accidents

St. Patrick’s Day drinking is being blamed for three vehicle accidents in Moncton overnight on Friday. A 30-year-old woman was charged with impaired driving after her vehicle struck a number of parked vehicles in Albert Street around 9:30pm. Around 1:30am Saturday morning Police responded to a two vehicle collision at the intersection of Cloverdale Road and Gunningsville Bridge in Riverview. A woman in her twenties driving one the vehicles was charged with impaired driving. Shortly before 3am a 37-year-old woman was charged with impaired driving after striking a pedestrian in crosswalk at Church and George Streets. The pedestrian suffered minor injuries.

Changes Coming to Seafood Labelling

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency says it plans to modernize seafood labelling. The agency says it recently published proposals for labels to include the country of origin for imported whole fish and the fishes’ common names. It says it also plans to explore ways the industry can ensure truthful claims are made on labels. A report released Friday by a coalition of environmental groups says existing rules leave Canadian consumers with less information than those in Europe or the United States.