A Gary Burrill government would reinstate a $23 million film tax credit. The NDP also plans to invest another $10 million this year to help the industry, which Burrill said was “decimated” by the McNeil government when the credit was scrapped.
A Jamie Baillie government would twin dangerous highways: the 101 from Three Mile Plains to Falmouth, 103 from Tantallon to East River, 104 from Sutherland’s River to Antigonish, and a four-lane divided connector between Burnside and Bedford. The Tories would also invest $30 million for safety measures on untwinned highway sections.
A new Stephen McNeil government would invest more than $34 million over four years to improve access to mental health care services. More than 100 professionals and support staff would be hired across the province. 51 clinicians, facilitators and outreach workers would be hired through expanding the SchoolsPlus Program to every school, among measures.