Valley weekend sports

The Acadia Axemen took down the number one seed, the University of Alberta Golden Bears 4 to 1 in the quarter-finals on Thursday.  The wins puts Acadia in the semi-finals Saturday at 12 against UNB.  The bronze medal is Sunday at 9:30, and the gold medal game is at 1.

The Kings Mutual Major Bantam Valley Wildcat lost game one at the provincials on Thursday 3 to 1 against the Dartmouth Whalers.  All the action is at the Berwick Apple Dome Friday afternoon at 2 against the Novas, and at 8 against Bedford.  The Cats play again Saturday morning at 8 against the Rangers.  The bronze medal game is Sunday at 10 and the gold medal game is at 1.

The Junior B Valley Maple Leafs are down 2 games to none in the second round of the Nova Scotia Junior Hockey League playoffs.  The Leafs are at home Friday evening at 8:30 at the Hants County Area against the Liverpool Privateers for game 3.  Game 4 goes Sunday in Liverpool at the Amera Center at 7:15.

The Central Kings Gators Boys Hockey will be have their annual Safe Grad Game against the R.C.M.P. this Tuesday March 21st at the Berwick Apple Dome at 6:30.  There will be a bake sale and a 50/50 draw.  Admission is $5.00.  All money will be going to the Safe Grad Program.