Valley weekend sports

The Junior A Wildcats finish their season off this weekend with 3 games.  Friday night they are in Yarmouth, and Saturday; they will be in Amherst.  Sunday, the Amherst Ramblers take on the Cats at two at the Apple Dome.  The Major Bantams, the top seed in the Nova Scotia Major Bantam provincials; are gearing up for the tournament as they are hosting it.  The tournament runs from Thursday March 16th to Sunday March 19th.  The Wildcats first game is Thursday against Dartmouth.  The bronze medal game is Sunday morning, and the gold medal game is on Sunday afternoon.  For full schedule details and streaming information, go to and check out the news section.

The Junior B Valley Maple Leafs are set for round two of the Nova Scotia Junior Hockey League playoffs.  The Leafs will be playing the Liverpool Privateers in the second round.  The Leafs are at home Friday at the Hants County arena.  Game two is in Liverpool tomorrow at the Amera Center.

The Acadia Axemen hockey team is going to 2017 University Cup.  The Axemen are in after defeating the Saint Mary’s Huskies in the consolation series.  The championship is being held in Fredericton and runs from March 16th to the 19th.