The NDP is promising more support for seniors. Gary Burrill says the NDP would not only restore cuts by the Liberals, but add $60 million to long-term care over four years. It would also work with the Health Authority and facilities to eliminate the current bottleneck, freeze pharmacare premiums and push for a National Pharmacare Plan.
Conservative leader Jamie Baillie was talking about the film tax credit and investing $34 million for a refundable, film tax credit. The Tories would also give Nova Scotian productions more opportunities and access to funding as well as speed up the process.
The Liberals are promising to expand eligibility for the Caregiver Benefit program, almost doubling the number of people who could get help. They would include people with lower levels of dementia or mental illness not just severe dementia. The Grits would also invest $2.25 million over three years on technology, so doctors could consult patients in their homes.