Howie Centre raid

A man is facing charges after the Nova Budds medical marijuana dispensary at Howie Centre was raided by police Friday.

The business on Kings Road, was operating as a medical marijuana dispensary and three men were arrested.  Two were released without charges but a 34 year old Port Hawkesbury man is facing a trafficking charge.  Police say storefronts or dispensaries are not licensed to sell cannabis for medical or any purpose.

Clementsvale fundraiser

This Thursday, a fundraiser will be at Forrester’s Hall in Clementsvale for the family of Sia Van Wyck, the seven-year-old girl who died due to a farm accident.  She was playing in 1-metre tall hay, the operator of equipment being used to mow the hay did not see the little girl; and struck her on July 19th.

It gets underway at 7 p.m.

The family is from Maine, and they are facing many costs following the tragedy.

You can also make donations at the Digby Town Hall and the Digby Recreation Commission, along with Marshall’s Gifts and Souvenirs.