Three Men and Two Dogs Nearly Drown in Oromocto Accident

Three people and two dogs narrowly escaped drowning after their vehicle overturned in a ditch full ow water near Oromocto on Friday. Fire fighters responded to the scene on Wilsey Road in Rusagonis around 1:30am and found the vehicle overturned and submerged in two -to-three feet of water. Two men was able to escape the vehicle and call for help but another man and a pair of golden retrievers had to be rescued with the jaws of life. Fire officials tell the CBC that their was only about a foot an half of space left in the vehicle for the occupants to lift their heads up and breathe. All three occupants were taken to hospital suffering from hypothermia.

Commission Recommends Lowering NB Voting Age to 16

The province’s Commission on Electoral Reform recommends the voting age be lowered to 16. Yesterday’s report comes after four months of consultation and also recommends preferential balloting, which Premier Brian Gallant says should be voted on by you. The commission does caution against online voting due to concerns about security, confidentiality and privacy.