Valley weekend sports

The Subway AUS basketball Championships are at the Scotiabank Center in Halifax.  The Women are playing U.PE.I. at 1 on Friday, with the winner moving to the semi finals Saturday at 1 against Saint Mary’s.  The Men are taking on Memorial University Friday at 6:30.  The winner will play Dalhousie in the semi-finals tomorrow at 6:30.  The women’s final is Sunday at 1 and the men’s is at 4:30.

In playoff action, the Valley Wildcats; the Major Bantams, the Midgets; and the Juniors look to play the spoiler role.  The Juniors are are not in the playoffs, even though the teams that they will be playing are; they can change the standings as to who will play who.  The Major Bantams are up 1 game in the best of 3 with the Wear Well Bombers and are at home Saturday at 6:30.  If needed, they’ll play Sunday at 12:30.  The Midgets are home, tied at 1 game each with Halifax in the best of 7 opening round.  They play Saturday at 4, and Sunday at 7:30.

In Junior B payoff hockey, the Valley Maple will be in game 7 against the East Hants Penguins at the Hants County Arena Friday night at 7:30.