Miramichi sports notes

The James M Hill boys hockey team pounded the visiting Acadiens 11-2 on Tuesday night at the LBA in the opening game of their best of 5 playoff series.

The MVHS Boys host ESN Bathurst in their first round playoff Wednesday March 1  at the Civic Center at 7:30pm, ESN leads the series 1-0.

Brad Malone has been acquired by the St. Louis Blues.  The Miramichier has appeared in 176 NHL games with Washington, Carolina and Colorado, recording 30 points and 188 penalty minutes.  He’ll be an unrestricted free agent after this season.

The Miramichi Rivermen are having a minor hockey night this Friday at 8 at the LBA as they face off against the Moncton Flyers in the playoffs.

If you wear a minor hockey jersey, admission is free.