West Hants council has reaffirmed its support for a proposed Hockey Heritage Centre, and the Windsor Hockey Heritage Society wants council to know that they’re on board.
Board member Stan Kochanoff told the Hants Journal that wherever the arena hockey heritage centre goes, they want to be involved.
Kochanoff added that they’re not taking sides on the present controversy about the location.
One site is near Long Pond, while the other proposed location is on the Windsor Agricultural Society’s exhibition grounds.
council has reaffirmed its support for a proposed Hockey Heritage Centre, and the Windsor Hockey Heritage Society wants council to know that they’re on board.
Board member Stan Kochanoff told the Hants Journal that wherever the arena hockey heritage centre goes, they want to be involved.
Kochanoff added that they’re not taking sides on the present controversy about the location.
One site is near Long Pond, while the other proposed location is on the Windsor Agricultural Society’s exhibition grounds.