McNeil Liberals win second-straight majority government

Stephen McNeil’s Liberals have won a second majority government.  The party got 27 seats, the Tories 17 and the NDP seven.  In the last election the Liberals won 33 seats, the Tories 11 and the NDP seven.  It’s the first time a Nova Scotian party has won back-to-back majorities since 1988.  All three major party leaders won their seats – McNeil in Annapolis, Tory Jamie Baillie in Cumberland South and New Democrat Gary Burrill in Halifax-Chebucto.

If elementary and high school students had their way, Jamie Baillie would be the new premier.  More than 18,000 representing 50 of 51 electoral districts held their own vote.  The Progressive Conservatives would have a minority government with 25 seats, the NDP would have 13, the Liberals 11 and the Greens one.