Fortress Louisbourg bodies

There’s an unusual archaeological dig underway this summer near Fortress Louisbourg.

Anthropology students from U-N-B are recovering the remains of about a thousand bodies buried near the Fortress because the land there is eroding.  They are also recovering artifacts from the 18th century buried with them.

Parks Canada says the remains will be taken to U-N-B for further analysis while another burying place is found for them.

Inverness drug bust

Three people have been arrested in two drug busts by Inverness District RCMP recently.

A traffic stop on Highway 19 in Inverness on July 21st resulted in the seizure of Hydromorphone and charges against a 25 year old man.

Three days later they searched a home in Port Hawkesbury, seizing Oxycodone and marijuana.  A 54 year old man and a 53 year old woman are facing charges in that one.