The Blue Jays won their fourth in a row thanks to a grand slam by Andrew Harris in the 10th inning and an 8-4 win over Oakland.  The Yankees needed 11 innings to beat Tampa Bay 6-5.

In the CFL…the Bombers eked out a 41-40 victory over the Alouettes as time expired.

There’s a five way tie for the lead at the RBC Canadian Open at Glen Abbey after first round play was suspended because of darkness.

Tucker Park future

The fight to save Tucker Park is heating up on social media.

Mayor Don Darling has gone on the record as saying he won’t support privatization of the park’s public beach, but he won’t rule out developing other areas of the north end park as well as part of Rockwood Park to generate more revenue for the city.

A report on potential Tucker Park development opportunities is in November and one on Rockwood Park in August.

Area residents and park users are mobilizing and growing in numbers on social media as well to lobby civic politicians in support of preserving city parklands. They made it clear they mean every acre of the existing park should remain untouched.