MLAs not getting paid as much as they’re owed…and they won’t

MLAs are owed money by the government but efforts are underway not to pay it.

By law, MLAs have been entitled to a raise of about a hundred dollars a month since last October, with another raise to go into effect this coming October. The MLAs haven’t actually received the money because nobody noticed the raises went into effect automatically.

Cabinet minister Donald Arseneault said the problem wasn’t noticed until recently and there’s no excuse for it. Efforts are now underway to legally stop the raises retroactively.

Bodies unearthed at Fortress Louisbourg

There’s an unusual archaeological dig underway this summer near Fortress Louisbourg.

Anthropology students from U-N-B are recovering the remains of about a thousand bodies buried near the Fortress because the land there is eroding. They are also recovering artifacts from the 18th century buried with them.

Parks Canada says the remains will be taken to U-N-B for further analysis while another burying place is found for them.