Big boost in tourism numbers

Tourism Minister John Ames says the government’s efforts to get more people to visit the province are paying off.

The latest statistics show the accommodation occupancy rate for January to August was up 5% from the same period last year…including an 18% boost in the number of American and other international visitors. There was also a 9% increase in campsite rentals at provincial parks, which led to the highest number of campers in the province since 2004. Ames says great weather through the summer helped and he hopes fair conditions this fall will continue to boost the numbers.

Tories go after Grits over fundraising

Federal Conservatives will use an opposition day today to push for more power for the ethics commissioner.

They want Mary Dawson to have the ability to enforce one of Prime Minister Trudeau’s own directives. Cabinet ministers are supposed to avoid even the appearance of giving preferential access to individuals who donate to the Liberals. Dawson has said so-called cash-for-access fundraisers are not very savoury, but she can’t satop them.