Youth business program expands

The Gallant Government is helping expand a Moncton youth program to the rest of the province.

Treasury Board President Roger Melanson says the government will provide $345,000 over three years so Venn Innovations can expand its InpireNB program to other areas of the province. the program teams students with business people looking for new talent.

Doug Robertson, president and CEO of Venn Innovation, told the Times and Transcript companies say their number one challenge is finding young talent….while young people seeking a career have to look to other provinces….and not just in tech sectors.

Protect the salmon

Fundy National Park and its partners are releasing hundreds of wild, endangered inner Bay of Fundy Salmon back into their native rivers to spawn.

Six law enforcement agencies are monitoring and asking you to report any illegal fishing or interference with the salmon or their streams to Crimestoppers.